Sick Day, A Picture-less Post

January 11, 2018 2 Comments A+ a-

Sick Day, A Picture-less Post

This is my first blog post of the year that doesn't include a picture. Do you want to know why? Well, I did not take a single picture today. For those of you who don't know me, that is entirely not me. I usually take pictures daily, and the views are mostly of my kid(s). 

But, time to get down to business and why I am here writing this post. Today was a sick day. Chloe came home from school yesterday with a cough and runny nose. She wasn't running a fever, and apart from the look on her face, you'd never have known that she wasn't feeling well. This morning, we got up with Daddy to take him to work. She looked worse this morning than she did yesterday, but she was her usual bubbly self. 

Well, when we got home from dropping Daddy off at work, we took a nap, and she went back to sleep. That's how I could really tell she didn't feel right. When she woke up, her nose and ran and dried up all over her face. She was coughing a bunch too. So, I called the school and told them what was going on and was pretty much instructed to keep her home today. She still didn't have a fever. However, I'm not 100% sure on that because she wouldn't sit still long enough for me to put the thermometer under her arm. 

Around here, the flu is going around and the second round that's been hitting the kids has been pretty bad for the younger ones. Chloe's teacher informed me that, luckily, none of their students had come down with the flu, but colds were going around. 

Anyway, sometime around 11:45 am, we had lunch. Afterward, we ran out to Walgreens to pick up a different thermometer. The pharmacist recommended the one that you can use on the temple and under the arm, and it wasn't cheap, but worth it to make sure that my baby didn't have a fever. We also picked up some Pepcid for me because heartburn has been kicking my butt as of late. 

When we got home, I checked my temperature to show Chloe how the thermometer would work. Then, she let me check hers. She wasn't running a fever. Soon after that, it was nap time. I put her down for a nap, and she went right to sleep, again. She slept until 4:25 pm and only woke up because I had to wake her up so we could pick Daddy up for work.

While she was napping, I got a good bit of school work done. I literally have one assignment left to do for both of my classes, and I can't do either of them until Saturday as they are supposed to be completed on the last day of the week for each course. 

The only other thing to happen today is sort of entertaining. I was browsing posts on Facebook and came across a post on a Harry Potter group page that said, 

"How to download Harry Potter movies?"

Well, I hit the comment button and wrote,

"You don't. You go to the store and buy them like a normal, ethical fan."

Then, the comments started coming in. I was getting notifications left and right about comments posted to my comment. It turns out, I totally posted the comment on the WRONG post. Apparently, I made a lot of people laugh. When I realized I posted in the wrong place, I apologized, and people seemed to enjoy the "ha ha" moment that was being not paying attention to where I was posting something on social media. 

Well, that's all I've got for today. Until tomorrow ...

I'm a stay-at-home mom, full-time college student, and my other things. I love to write, talk, read, play games, design graphics and websites, and a whole lot more.


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January 12, 2018 at 3:07 AM delete

Well, I'm glad Chloe only has a cold. That flu stuff is some scary business this year. It's been really bad out here also, I think there have already been 7 deaths in the county I live in. :/ Like I said, scary. I hope she gets to feeling better very soon and that that Pepcid worked for you.

Was the new thermometer the one that's digital and you just swipe it slowly across the forehead? That's the kind we have, I love it. Always hated the ones that had to go in the mouth for however long it takes to work.

And nothing wrong with a picture-less post, btw! :P

Amanda Zimmer
January 13, 2018 at 12:22 AM delete

She's doing a little bit better. She's still got the runny nose and a cough, which is normal with a cold. She's not running a fever either, so that's a plus. The biggest problem I'm having with her is that she's not eating like normal. It could be because she's not feeling good. Typically, when people are sick, food doesn't taste right.

The flu is going around here. They've been talking about how bad this second round of flu is for the smaller kids. So, I'm hoping and praying that she doesn't get that.

The new thermometer was one that works with the temple and under the arm. It is digital, and it has a sensor on the tip. You place it at the temple or just under the arm and it gives you a reading in about thirty seconds. It's pretty accurate on adults too. I tested it on myself. Then, I used a regular thermometer to check my temp. I think it was off by like a degree.

I know there's nothing wrong with picture-less posts. It's just abnormal for me because I'm always taking photos. So, you'd think I would have one every day. Ha Ha
