My Kid Has An Issue With Clothing

January 12, 2018 2 Comments A+ a-

My Kid Has An Issue With Clothing

Chloe discovered quite some time ago that she likes to be naked. From time to time, she'll take all her clothes off and run around the house. I know it's normal for kids her age to do that sort of thing. However, the fact that she's a girl makes me feel more uneasy about it. 

Today, I tried to put her down for a nap around 12:30 pm. She didn't go to sleep. Instead, she took all her clothes off--down to her diaper--and put on her frozen beanie. I took a picture of that, but it didn't seem like I should post that. I would never hear the end of it, and I'd get a ton of backlash from people who might stumble across this blog.

At any rate, I put her to bed again around 3:30 pm because she was cranky. I figured if she took a nap, she'd feel better. She's had a cold or something since Wednesday afternoon. Well, it took about twenty minutes for her to go to sleep. She took off her shirt, laid down on the floor, and covered herself with a sheet and blanket. Then, she went to sleep. Around 5:30, I went to wake her up. I found her buried under a blanket and sheet on the floor. And, that is the picture at the top of this post.

I got a lot done today--school-wise. I got through chapters one and two in my Intro to Law class.  I took notes and wrote down key terms, a few quotes, and the likes. I still need to read and do the same thing for chapter 3 tomorrow. 

When the hubby got home from work, I went out to meet my mom and sisters. My sister, Destiny, brought me a birthday card and gave me a $15 gift card for Starbucks! She knows me so well. My mom and step-dad bought me dinner. We played Pineapple/Chinese Poker. My step-dad and I won the first game, then lost the second. 

After the second game (which took forever), I decided it was time to go home. It was 60 degrees earlier today. It dropped down to the low 30s with a real feel of 21. I was worried if I started back too late, I might hit the ice on the road as it was cold and the streets were wet from all the rain. I felt the car pull to the left twice on the way home; it scared the crap out of me. But, I made it back safe and sound before midnight.

Now, it's time for me to relax for a few minutes. Then, I'm going to bed. I have a few things to do for school tomorrow. Otherwise, it'll be a nice and quiet day at home with the kiddo and the husband. 

For those that read this, I apologize it's so short tonight. Nothing too exciting happened, and I'm crunched for time to get this post out before midnight! So, until tomorrow

I'm a stay-at-home mom, full-time college student, and my other things. I love to write, talk, read, play games, design graphics and websites, and a whole lot more.


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January 13, 2018 at 12:31 PM delete

Aww! That buried-in-the-blankets look is too cute. It's funny how kids can be so comfortable in what would appear to be the complete opposite. But hey, whatever works, right? My brother went thru a phase like that when he was about her age.I've heard the story so many times, of when we had some extended family over and suddenly my brother is running through the living room, yelling "I'm naked!" Lol. He never lives that story down, especially whenever the family who saw it is around. Aidan did that as well, during our last visit, after his bath, he comes running into the room, naked and laughing hysterically. Like father, like son! 🤣

Glad you had a good time with your family and that you got home safe! Those type of road conditions scare me also, I hated driving in that when I lived back home, the few occasions that I had to. We don't get it so much out here in Cali.

Amanda Zimmer
January 14, 2018 at 12:00 AM delete

OMG! So, I have a picture somewhere--from a few months ago--where Chloe fell asleep eating in her high chair. She'd had a super long day, a lot of traveling. Chloe skipped dinner, so when we got home, we put her in the high chair and fed her. She got about halfway through her food and fell asleep. She had the spoon in her hand and all.

Regarding the naked brother thing, my son was/is the same way. Though, we try to explain to him that he's just too big to be doing that especially since he lives with girls. Wyatt's father used to do stuff like that just for fun as a grown ass man (LOL).

The ice is the worst, especially the black ice because you can hardly see it and if and when you do, it's too late. :( You should move somewhere there could be snowfall. I know how much you miss it (LOL).
