Three Years Ago Today
Today, My Youngest Is Three
This morning started out pretty rough. Last night, I could hardly sleep. Severe anxiety and heart palpitations just didn't want to give me any relief so I couldn't fall asleep. At some point, I ended up moving from the bed to the couch in the living room, turned on the Disney Channel and ended up falling asleep (yes I'm 30 and I still watch Disney, bite me!). The last time I looked at the clock, it was 3:00 am.
So, 5:30 am rolls around. My husband gets out of bed to come and wake me. See, normally, he'd leave me alone and let me sleep. However, as we only have one vehicle and the little one was scheduled for a doctor's appointment, that meant I had to get up with him and drive him to work. Which, by the way, is about 45 minutes to an hour depending on traffic.
When I got back home from taking the husband to work, I logged onto my computer and began working vigorously on a project. I'm building a ProBoards forum theme and I needed to get some coding done. I got in the zone and before I realized it, the time had flown by quickly. One look at the clock and seeing that it was 8:45 am was enough for me to jump out of my chair (not bothering to save or do anything with the work on my computer screen).
The little one's doctor's appointment was scheduled for 9 am. She was still asleep at 8:45 am. So, I woke the poor birthday girl up early, changed her and dressed her, then we got in the car and went to her doctor's appointment. Now, this appointment was supposed to be a normal 3-year well-check. She wasn't due for any shots, so it wasn't the worst possible thing I could do to her on her birthday (I know there are judgemental people out there like that).
So anyway, we get through the triage type stuff. The doctor comes into our room and explains that the little one's platelets are low and proceeds to ask if any blood conditions are in her family. Well, of course, there are. I have Stage 0 (watch and wait) Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. So, the doctor wants to do a repeat finger prick test on the little one in about a month and if her platelets are still low, she'll be sent over to the cancer center to have a full blood panel completed. In the meantime, I'm going to serve her green veggies to see if that aids in the platelet count rising.
The other thing we found out today was that she, at three-years-old, has significant astigmatism in one of her eyes that could be hindering her ability to walk properly. So, she's being referred to a Pediatric Eye Doctor as well. Don't get me started on that, we'll be here all day.
So, we get home from the doctor's office and the little one has a meltdown because she wants to go "bye-bye again." I have stuff that I need to get done and ready for her school and mine next week and I'm not about to run back out for no reason. I fed her breakfast and she was happy until she finished eating and then she wanted to go "bye-bye" yet again. When I told her no, she threw a tantrum on the floor. So I grabbed a sippy cup, put some milk in it for her and carried her to her bed. I figured she'd calm down in a few minutes and we could try something else together.
Well, about 10 minutes later, I peeked my head in to have a look at her. She was sound asleep in her crib. Cool. I finished up some paperwork for school, worked on my project some more and then around 5 pm she woke up on her own.
The rest of the evening was pretty chill. We watched cartoons, chased each other around the house, played with the dogs, had supper, and even had a video chat with Grandma up in Ohio.
We didn't do anything for her birthday, which is TODAY because most of our family is out of town partaking in that dreadful holiday traveling. So, we'll be having her birthday party soon, and I'm sure I'll post a bunch of pictures. She doesn't know it yet, but we plan to get her a Frozen themed toddler bed in the next week. I think she's gonna love it!
Write commentsWow, sounds like you had quite the day. I'm thinking her platelets could be low because of veggies. I had a scare a few years ago cause they thought I might have had cancer. Turned out I wasn't eating enough greens!
ReplyI'm sure she'll LOVE her new Frozen themed bed! You'll have to take a picture of it for us :)
Have fun with the family:)
That is exactly what the doctor told us. We recently got her off of baby food and on to some solids. However, the solids she does it has to be really soft, and still cut up pretty good because she's still not grasping the concept of chewing. So, with veggies, without really mashing them up, she won't eat them. I was told to stick to purees for those for the next month to see if those counts go up. She can still eat the other things, just needs the green veggies at lunch/dinner.
ReplyI am really hoping she loves her new bed. Though, I'm not sure I'm ready for her to get one. Her room is filled with toys. The question is, will she go to sleep in the bed? Or, will she fall asleep on the floor somewhere with her toys? Ha Ha.
She also has a dentist appointment on Thursday. Poor kid can't catch a break this week.