Burrr, Boo Boos, & Growing Up

January 07, 2018 4 Comments A+ a-

Burrr, Boo Boos, & Growing Up

(Not Necessarily In That Order)

Growing Up

Last Tuesday, my youngest daughter turned three-years-old. It seems like I just had her yesterday. I can still remember holding her little six-pound self in my arms, bottle feeding her, and laying on the floor with her during tummy time. 

This week is a massive week for Chloe. To start with, we went out today and bought her a toddler bed. She's been in a crib up to this point and has yet to try and climb out of it. She's been overdue to switch to a big girl's bed for a while. 

We went to get her bed with our hearts set on the Frozen bed shown in the picture above. However, when we got to the store, we found a wooden one (dark wood like her crib) and fully intended to buy that one in case she grew out of her "Frozen" obsession before she outgrew the bed. But, the wooden bed was much more expensive. So, she got the Frozen themed toddler bed. 

When we finished cleaning up her room and putting it together, we brought her upstairs to see it. She was ecstatic. She walked right up to it, climbed into bed, and surrounded herself with stuffed animals and pillows. I'm pretty sure she loves it.

I was unsure how she would do her first night in the new bed, but surprisingly, she's done well. I put her to bed around 7:30 pm and she's been out like a light since. She's growing up and way too fast for my liking. She even starts school on Tuesday this week. I'll post about that experience then.

Boo Boos

Chloe got her first "big" boo-boo today. We were at Burlington, and she cut her finger pretty bad on one of the coat racks. She said "ow," but didn't cry. There was, what seemed like, a lot of blood from her little index finger. It was running down her wrist and covered her finger. Daddy took her to the bathroom to try and clean her up and stop the bleeding. 

We got a band-aid and some alcohol wipes from the manager. It wasn't until then she started to cry. She wasn't even crying because of the cut. The manager had already covered it with a band-aid. She was crying because we were trying to clean up the rest of the dried blood with the alcohol wipe and she didn't like that we had to restrain her.

It took a band-aid and a little bit of pressure to stop the bleeding, but she was a champ through it all. She didn't let it phase her one bit. I took the above picture shortly after she saw her bed for the first time and she was all playful and goofy like her usual self. Sometimes, I tend to worry too much which isn't good for anyone.

Chloe is doing just fine; we've been cleaning it and changing the band-aid out. The cut looks normal. It's not red or warm to the touch, and there's no puss around it. I'll continue to monitor it and take her to the doctor if needed.


This winter has been colder than usual. It's probably been about ten years since I purchased a winter jacket. But, with the temperature being in the teens as of late, I have been freezing. So, today I bought a winter coat. 

School here was supposed to start tomorrow as Christmas Break officially ended on Friday. However, due to the winter weather advisory that's calling for sleet, snow, and ice, our county has canceled school. It's supposed to be super cold again tomorrow, but I won't mind now that I have a nice, warm jacket.

It is pretty warm too, nothing like my fleece jacket that the cold air just blows through. I even, slightly, look like an Eskimo! Check it out above.

Well, that's all I got for you guys today. I have a few things to do tomorrow, so maybe I'll have something more interesting to say. Until tomorrow ...

I'm a stay-at-home mom, full-time college student, and my other things. I love to write, talk, read, play games, design graphics and websites, and a whole lot more.


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January 7, 2018 at 10:34 PM delete

I think she'll outgrow the bed before her obsession. Don't little girls love Frozen until they're at least 10 years old or so?! Then again, what do I know, I'm not around kids often enough. 😜

Sounds like she is growing up strong, just like her mother! 😊 I'm glad the cut wasn't any worse than it sounds like it was though. I hope it continues to heal normally.

And the jacket looks good on you! Glad to see you're going to be keeping warm over there.

Amanda Zimmer
January 7, 2018 at 10:44 PM delete

I wouldn't have to keep warm if you'd quit taking all the heat to California (LOL). But, yeah, girls tend to love frozen for a long time. Look at me, I'm almost thirty-one and I can tell you pretty much the whole movie word for word. We ended up leaving the stickers off of the bed so we can change the bedding between different themes like Frozen, Mini-Mouse, etc. So, it still works.

I'm not going to lie, the cut scared the crap out of me. She already bruises easy and her platelets have been low so the bruises look worse than they actually are (or so the doctor says). But, when Andrew came back from the bathroom telling me she was still bleeding, I freaked out a bit. They were gone about 10 minutes.

January 8, 2018 at 3:31 PM delete

Hey it's only... 50 here right now! 🙄 okay, okay, I see your point, lol.
And I thought you could recite the movie because you'd seen it so much for Chloe's benefit. Haha.

How's the cut looking today?

Amanda Zimmer
January 8, 2018 at 11:32 PM delete

It was looking alright this morning, but the skin around it is looking a little red. It's not warm to the touch and there's no puss, so I don't think there's an infection. I'll check on it in the morning and see how it's doing. She doesn't seem to be complaining about it though. She won't even let me put a band-aid on it now.
